The Cemetery Department is responsible for the operation and maintenance of Six town cemeteries as attractive, dignified, and appropriate burial grounds. The three member, Elected Board of Cemetery Commissioners is responsible for the governance of all Town cemeteries. The Cemetery Commission appoints a Superintendent to manage daily department operations.
Town Cemeteries
Chelmsford’s first cemetery was established circa 1655. 1690 is the date of the first stone bearing an inscription, but a few uninscribed stones of rough surface appear to mark the earliest graves.
Cemetery Office
The Office and Maintenance facility is located in Pine Ridge Cemetery.
130 Billerica Road | Chelmsford, MA 01824
Telephone: (978) 250-5245
Email: DBoyle@chelmsfordma.gov
Office Hours
8:00 AM – 3:30 PM
Monday-Friday or by appointment
Cemetery Visiting Hours
Sunrise to sunset, every day
Forefathers Hours
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, every day
Cemetery lots may be purchased in all cemeteries except Forefathers and Riverside and are shown by appointment. Please call our office for more information or to schedule an appointment.